There’s a Lot to Talk About, After All

At Solace Cremation, we’ve been designing a better kind of funeral business, one that puts people and families at the center, focused on transparency and ease, and raising a conversation about quality of care before, during and after death.

In almost three years in business, we’ve met many wonderful people and organizations that share this point of view. We realize that we are part of a community of social workers, nurses, home health aides, hospice and palliative care doctors and families, all of us working to support those at the end of life and hold each other up at this challenging time.

Mindful of our interconnectedness, we have redesigned and named our newsletter and blog, “After All.”  Our first issue brings you the story of the inspiration behind “The Pause,” an international practice for self-care for end-of-life caregivers, as well as events, news and more.

“After All” were first used together in 1590, according to and can mean “everything else having been considered,” “ultimately,” “in view of all circumstances” or “in spite of considerations or expectations to the contrary,” similar to the word “nevertheless.”

To us, “After All” signifies that in the end, after all we’ve said and done in the lives we’ve led, we all will face death, it’s the ultimate, inevitable reality for us all. As part of a movement of companies and people advocating for more open conversations around death and dying, the “all” in “After All” points to the broad spectrum of viewpoints, stories and ideas we hope to share to inspire, educate and inform our readers about end-of-life and after-life issues.

Because, after all, we all may be traveling different paths, but death remains our shared destination.

We’d like to share more of our After All stories with you. Sign up for our Solace newsletter here and we’ll bring you interesting events, stories and new ideas.

Photo by Myles Tan

Solace is now Tulip Cremation, the nation’s largest online direct cremation services provider, delivering world-class and compassionate care 24/7.

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